Bombs over Biscay, Barcelona and Dresden (1937-1945): from the Spanish Civil War to the Second World War
Irazabal Agirre, Jon / Thomàs, Joan Maria / Arnabat Mata, Ramon
Argitaletxea: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Bilduma: Recerca, 44
Data: 2019
ISBN: 978-84-8424-746-3
Signatura: LI-OR-03693
Orri-kopurua: 89 or.
Neurriak: 24 cm
-Otxandio, 22 july 1936...15 or. *The bombing...16 or. *Victims of the bombing...18 or. *Responsibility for the bombing...19 or.
-Durango: 25 september 1936...19 or. *The first bombing...19 or.
-Durango: 31 march 1937...21 or. *Planning the airstrike...21 or. *The bombing...22 or. *The bombings in detail...23 or. *Aim of the bombing...26 or. *Consequences: victims and material damage...28 or.
-Elorrio: 31 march 1937...30 or.